30 August 2008
Ei (enticing & intelligent) Guys & Dolls, do you know that you're reading history here-lately, I tried to get access to Google Page Creator just to check their kind of free site and I was turn down access as they had close the Free Page Creator Program- funny that I once start a page with google which I just neglected and it was there in my account already registered. So, why not make use of history- now, here's this last Free Google Page created...
Mind you, paid accounts don't have these Google Stuffs!
28 August 2008
This date we just launched a new fora for the hapless Affiliator- The AFFILIATOR'S FORUM.
You can read about it at the Press Page... and I welcome anyone, particularly Internet Marketeers or Affiliators to participate in said fora. It intends to help the plight of an e-Entrepreneur in this cruel world of e-commerce.
Check it out , and take your punch! Click Here